RD-SACD Technology Assessment Collaboration

Activity Summary
Status: Archived
Since fall 2016, VAB personnel have been detailed to work with NASA Langley’s Research Directorate (RD) to provide a systems level assessment of RD technologies currently under development and new technologies of interest. VAB will apply its analysis expertise to estimate potential impacts of these technologies and to help guide future RD technology development.
The partnership is intended to help RD to maximize NASA’s return on its investment in RD’s research and technology portfolio.
VAB is applying their knowledge of systems and multidisciplinary expertise to help determine the impacts of research in RD. This information will help RD best manage their resources.
RD will benefit from having a more effective portfolio. VAB will benefit through obtaining a better understanding of cutting edge research. The improved efficiency will benefit the agency as a whole.
Boron Nitride Nano Tube
BNNT assessment resulted from work done in the RD-SACD Technology Assessment Collaboration.
One of many joint studies between VAB and RD examined the potential applications of an advanced material made with boron nitride nanotubes (BNNT) that is currently under development. The collaborative activity studied how this material can be applied to high speed aircraft and reentry vehicles. This study not only serves to determine specific benefits from BNNT, but lessons learned from this analysis will serve to guide future developments and improvements to the material.
Status: Complete