Ty Marien

Title: Senior Aircraft Systems Analyst
Technical Focus Area: Subsonic Transport Aircraft
Missions/Projects: Advanced Air Transport Technology Project (AATT)
Study Topics/Expertise: Systems Analysis, Aircraft Conceptual Design, Mission Analysis, Passenger Demand Modeling, Transportation Systems Modeling
Ty started his career at NASA Langley in 1989 as a cooperative education student from Purdue University. One of his stops as a co-op was the Vehicle Integration Branch (VIB), now named the Aeronautics Systems Analysis Branch (ASAB). After graduation in 1992, Ty accepted a permanent position in VIB as an aircraft systems analysis.
In 2000, Ty left NASA and accepted a position with Symantec Corporation as a software quality assurance engineer. In 2006, Symantec closed its Newport News office and Ty left the company to join Northrop Grumman as an IT Systems Engineer. In 2009, he was rehired by NASA Langley and ended up right back where he started in ASAB (humbled but still grateful for the journey).
As an aircraft systems analyst, Ty has worked on projects focused on aircraft/airport operations, community noise predictions, passenger demand modeling, transportation systems concepts, and advanced subsonic transport concepts.
- Marien, T., Blaesser, N., Frederick, Z., Guynn, M., Kirk, J., Fisher, K., Schneider, S., Thacker, R., and Frederic, P., “Results for an Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Design Exploration,” AIAA Paper 2021-3280, August 2021.
- Marien, T., Blaesser, N., Frederick, Z., Guynn, M., Kirk, J., Fisher, K., Schneider, S., Thacker, R., and Frederic, P., “Methodology Used for an Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Design Exploration,” AIAA Paper 2021-3191, July 2021.
- Marien, T., Antcliff, K., Guynn, M., Wells, D., Schneider, S., Tong, M., Trani, A., Hinze, N., and Dollyhigh, S., “Short-Haul Revitalization Study Final Report,” NASA/TM-20180219833, May 2018.
- Marien, T. and Welstead, J., “Vehicle-Level System Impact of Boundary Layer Ingestion for the NASA D8 Concept Aircraft,” AIAA Paper 2018-0271, January 2018.
- Marien, T., “Seat Capacity Selection for an Advanced Short-Haul Aircraft Design”, AIAA Paper 2016-1283, January 2016.
- Smith, J., Marien, T., Viken, J., Neitzke, K., et al, “Identification and Analysis of National Airspace System Resource Constraints”, NASA TM-2015-218695, NASA Langley Research Center.