SACD Engineer Earns Johnson Space Center Director’s Commendation Award
One of NASA Langley’s engineers is a recipient of Johnson Space Center’s (JSC) Director’s Commendation Award for 2022. Marina Moen, a flight mechanics engineer with the Vehicle Analysis Branch (VAB) of the Systems Analysis and Concepts Directorate, was honored during a ceremony at JSC June 8.
JSC officially noted that, “The Orion Program has significantly benefited from Marina’s technical excellence, attention to detail, and tireless work ethic. Marina’s technical leadership and personal drive is a demonstration of exemplary dedication to NASA’s success.”

(L-R) Stephen Koerner, Deputy Director, JSC; Marina Moen; Vanessa Wyche, Director, JSC
Credits: NASA/James Blair

“The Orion Program has significantly benefited from Marina’s technical excellence, attention to detail, and tireless work ethic. “
Moen has been instrumental in the design and development of the Orion Artemis II crew module and service module propulsion end-to-end integration and phasing tests. Although she supported the entry flight phase guidance, navigation, and control team as an entry controls and flight software expert for the past 15 years, Moen expanded previous expertise and lent critical skills to the orbit and ascent abort mission phases to support service module propulsion phasing testing development and execution.

Marina Moen at the Virginia Air & Space Center
Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
Author: Sondra Woodward
Published: June 2023