Patrick Chai
Title: In-Space Transportation Analysis Lead, Mars Architecture Team
Technical Focus Area: System Analysis, Trajectory Optimization, Spacecraft Design
Missions/Projects: Mars Architecture Team
Study Topics/Expertise: Orbital Mechanics, Optimization, Spacecraft Design, Astrodynamics
Dr. Patrick R. Chai is the Langley Center lead for NASA’s Mars Architecture Team and leads the In-Space Transportation Assessment Team as part of the agency’s Exploration System Development Mission Directorate. He’s also the co-lead of the Campaign Assessment Team for ESDMD’s Moon to Mars Architecture Development Office. He is a current member and former chair of the AIAA Space System Technical Committee and chairs the AIAA Undergraduate Team Space Design Competition.
- 2021 – NASA Early Career Achievement Medal
Education/Professional Experience
- Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014
- M.S., Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012
- B.S., Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007
Virtual Presentations
Rendezvous with Mars, Houston We Have a Podcast, Episode 151. July 3, 2020.
Google Scholar