Bailey Ethridge

Title: Mission Analyst
Missions/Projects: Earth Science Strategic Analysis
Study Topics/Expertise: Applied math/statistics, modeling and simulation, decision analysis, risk assessment
Bailey Ethridge first came to NASA Langley in 2020 and spent nearly three years supporting the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) as a contractor with Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc. (AMA). Bailey started as an analyst in ARMD’s Portfolio Analysis and Management Office (PAMO) and performed data validation, analysis, and visualization to inform strategic decision-making. She later joined the Aeronautics Systems Analysis Branch (ASAB) to support the System-Wide Safety (SWS) Project, assisting in the development and testing of risk assessment software as part of an in-flight safety management architecture.
In October 2022, Bailey moved across the hall and joined the Space Mission Analysis Branch (SMAB) as a civil servant where she now supports tool development for strategic analysis of international partnerships for the NASA Earth Science Division (ESD).
Education/Professional Experience
- Expected fall 2023: M.S. in Computational Modeling & Simulation Engineering; Old Dominion University (08/2021-current)
- B.A. in Applied Mathematics, Cultural Anthropology (Magna Cum Laude); University of North Carolina at Asheville (08/2013-12/2017)
- Ancel, E., Young, S. D., Quach, C. C., Haq, R. F., Darafsheh, K., Smalling, K. M., Vazquez, S. L., Dill, E. T., Condotta, R. C., Ethridge, B. E., Teska, L. R., and Johnson, T. A., “Design and Testing of an Approach to Automated In-Flight Safety Risk Management for sUAS Operations,” AIAA Aviation 2022 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chicago, IL, 2022.
- Bahls, P., Ethridge, B., and Szabo, L., “Unimodality of the Independence Polynomials of Non-Regular Caterpillars,” The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 71, No. 1, 2018, pp. 104-112.