Angela Bowes

Technical Focus Area: Strategic, Decision, Systems, and Mission Analysis
Study Topics/Expertise: Decision Science, Human Design Science, Modeling and Simulation, Mission Design & Analysis, Trajectory Design
Ms. Bowes is an aerospace engineer at NASA Langley Research Center who has ensured numerous complex aerospace systems perform as intended for mission success by empowering leaders and stakeholders to make decisions by objectively presenting ideas and analyses to build consensus to best satisfy multiple and competing constraints.
Her background includes 20+ years of experience in various roles on multi-disciplinary projects in industry and across various NASA centers. In her work on multiple NASA flight projects, Bowes has led and served as a subject matter expert on diverse teams through all phases of the mission cycle (concept formulation through flight operations).
- NASA Honor Group Achievement Awards for MRO, MSL, Autonomous Aerobraking Development, and LDSD
- NASA Silver Group Achievement Award for Commercial Crew Entry, Descent, and Landing Modeling and Simulation
Education/Professional Experience
Ms. Bowes currently serves in the Space Mission Analysis Branch (SMAB) at NASA Langley. She moved to this position after serving on a detail assignment with the Langley Office of Director for the Langley Future of Work (FOW) Team for 18 months. Bowes helped lead the FOW team to conduct research aimed at identifying stakeholder needs and design center-wide experiments to better understand those needs using human centered design principles.
Prior to the FOW detail, Ms. Bowes was a member of the Atmospheric Flight and Entry Systems Branch for 11 years where she performed analyses and developed high fidelity flight simulations to understand and predict vehicle flight dynamics for various projects including ALHAT, LDSD, ASPIRE, Commercial Crew Program, ExoBrake, LOFTID, & OSIRIS-REx. She also previously served in SMAB as an evaluator on panels for NASA’s Mission Announcement of Opportunity investigations and provided analyses supporting the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Constellations Systems Engineering Office.
Ms. Bowes started her NASA career at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory where she performed mission design analyses as well as trajectory and orbit design on several projects including MRO, MSL, & DAWN. Prior to her time with NASA, she worked at Honeywell Aerospace where she performed control analyses, project engineer functions, and participated in a continuous improvement program with an outside supplier to understand and effectively address supplier processes that were contributing to systemic issues of quality and performance.
Ms. Bowes earned a B.S. in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from Purdue University and a M.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. She is an active volunteer on the AIAA Astrodynamics Technical Committee, helping to organize AAS/AIAA conferences. She also enjoys mentoring and participating in STEM outreach activities for girls and college students.