Breeanna Ebert
Title: Software Developer
Technical Focus Area: Simulation Development
Missions/Projects: EVE, SCIFLI
Study Topics/Expertise: Sound Effects, Music Composition, VR Sound Design, Simulation Development, Computer Graphics
Breeanna graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 2018 with a dual degree in Audio Development and Game Technology. Breeanna spent the first 3 years of her career focusing in AR and VR simulation development before coming to NASA Langley in 2023 as a contractor with Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc. (AMA). She simultaneously supports the continued development of the Exploration Visualization Environment (EVE), and Tom Horvath’s work on the Hypersonic Thermodynamic Infrared Measurements (HYTHIRM) project within the Scientifically Calibrated In-Flight Imagery (SCIFLI) team.
In her free time, Breeanna runs a self-owned business propagating 10 species of critically endangered and extant tortoises.